Our Products



Light yellow in color, free flowing powder with fresh, slightly sour citrus aroma. Produced from Natural Puree via Spray Drying process, packed in a sealed PE Bag lined Kraft bag.

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General Product Information:

Produced from Natural Puree via Spray Drying process, packed in a sealed PE Bag lined Kraft bag.

Application: Can be use either as powder or diluted for condiments and beverages.

Intended Used: Generally intended for use of children, pregnant women, lactating mothers and all other age groups.

Storage requirements: The product must be stored in an Atmospheric temperature not exceeding 25°C with Relative Humidity of around 45-55 %. “Keep in cool, dry place free from rodents and insects. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or excessive humid areas to prevent lumping and discoloration of the product”.

Shelf Life: The product is stable for Eighteen (18) months at optimum storage condition in its original packaging.

Health Hazard Information: The identity of the individual components of this product is proprietary information and is considered to be a trade secret. However, based on health hazard determination of ingredients contained in this formula and present at a concentration greater then one percent, this mixture presents the following health hazard: It may cause slight irritation on wounds when in contact, but not on clear skin without wound. It can cause irritation on respiratory tract when inhaled excessively.

Emergency and First Aid Procedures Eye (Contact):

    Eye (Contact): In the event of direct contact with the eyes, irrigate with potable water for at least 10 minutes, obtain medical advice if irritation persists.
    Skin (Contact): Wash with clean water for one minute in wound area. If irritation persists, obtain medical advice.
    Ingestion (Swallowing): In the event of accidental swallowing, rinse mouth with potable water and will not cause serious stomach irritation.
    Inhalation: Remove from the exposure and seek for fresh air. The odor is non toxic.

Special Precautions:

    Precautions (Handling Storage): Keep away from heat. Keep containers closed when not in use. Store in a clean dry place at room temperature.

Spill or Leak Procedures:

    Steps to be taken if material is released or spilled: mall spills can be wiped with cloth or absorbent paper, standard absorbents can be used.

Waste Disposal Method: Incinerator or sanitary landfill is in accordance with local and safe regulations.

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Please feel free to contact us
  Our Farm and Office Address
Artemisium Agri Trading, Malabo, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, 5205
  Email Us
[email protected]
  Call Us
+639171772915, +639171772892

The information in this MSDS was obtained from current and reliable sources; however the data is provided without any warranty, expressed or implied, regarding its correctness and accuracy. Since the conditions for use, handling, and disposal of this product are beyond are beyond the control of Artemisium Agri Trading, it is user’s responsibility both to determine safe conditions for use of this product and to assume products improper use. No warranty expressed or implied, regarding the product described herein shall by or inferred from any statement or omission in this MSDS. Various government agencies (e.g. DOT, EPA and BFAD) may have a specific regulation concerning the transportation, handling storage, use or disposal of this product, which may not be reflected in this MSDS. The user should review these regulations to ensure full compliance.